【同义词辨析】 2018-03-28 勇气courage-mettle

courage: implies firmness of mind and will in the face of danger or extreme difficulty: the ~ to support unpopular causes.     moral courage道德勇气

mettle: suggests an ingrained capacity for meeting strain or difficulty with fortitude and resilience: a challenge that will test your ~.   (fortituderesilience分别表示面对困难时能忍耐,有任性)

spirit: also suggests a quality of temperament enabling one to hold one's own or keep up one's morale when opposed or threatened: too many failures had broken the ~ of the man.   词组hold one's own坚持住支撑住,词组keep up one's morale保持士气斗志  (oppose反对,即使困难 threaten威胁,即使危险)  temperament性格性情

resolution: stresses firm determination to achieve one's ends: the strong ~ of the pioneer woman.    (resolve有4个意思 1、解决平息to settle or solve something,如resolve a conflict解决(平息)冲突=conflict resolution,如the issue was never resolved问题从未得到解决,如we found a resolution to the dispute找到解决争端的办法  2、决心to make a definite and serious decision to do something,如she resolved to quit smoking决心戒烟,如a New Year's resolution新年愿望/决心  3、决定(投票)表决to make a formal decision about something usually by a vote,如the comittee resolved to override the veto委员会决定(表决)推翻此前的否决,如the assembly passed a resolution大会通过决议  4、分解改变to gradually change into separate parts or a different form,如the mixture was resolved into two parts混合物分解为两部分,a computer with high-resoluton screen高分辨率显示器,如the image resolved into a person's face图像变为人脸。另外,resolve还可以作为名词,表示决心; 形容词resolute坚决的) determine=decide=make up one's mind决定决心  

tenacity: adds to resolution implications of stubborn persistence and unwillingness to admit defeat: won the argument through sheer ~.   stubborn顽固的implies innate sturdiness or immovability倔强难改变   来自词根TEN表示抓to hold,如tenable站得住脚的tenure任期、终身教授tenant房客lieutenant副手中尉tenet/tenor主旨

courage勇气: 指面对危险困难时的坚定志气,mettle坚韧: 表示面对艰苦困难时的性, spirit精神: 表示面对危险困难能坚持立场保持斗志,resolution决心: 强调实现目标坚定决心,tenacity倔强顽固: 指顽固坚持不肯认输



          3)勇气的意思是面对危险困难的精神、道德力量mean having mental or moral strength to resist opposition, danger or hardship.首字母CMSRT想成什么如此铁<==勇气